Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Angry tiki god on Finch and Ada

Hump Day Q&A: Allan Cruz

1. Who Are You?

I am Allan Cruz aka Angrytikigod

2. What do you do?
I make multi layer spray paint stencils.

3. When/Where/How did you get your start?
I’ve always been inspired by skateboarding and music. In the mid 90s, I worked at out of bounds skateshop and one day we got a shipment with product and a whole bunch of sticker packs. One of those packs had the original Andre the Giant Has a Posse stickers. I thought it was funny. I asked around whose these were and where these stickers came from and found out it was Shepard Fairey who was pretty unknown at the time. That’s what got me hooked. It was such a random image, but it was so DIY.

In 2008 the ladies from Sick Chix productions/the movement and subculture skateshop encouraged me to submit some of my work for a series of shows they were doing and it’s just taken off from there. I owe a lot to them.

4. How long have you been at it?
After seeing Mark Gonzalez skate and seeing all the artwork on his grip tape, I’ve been into some form of painting or drawing since back then, so I’d say late 80s. Back in high school I remember making little stencils and spray painting stuff on my skateboard too. But seriously doing stencils like I’m doing now, probably like 5 years.

5. What is the most important thing we should know about you?
I have a terrible memory, unless it’s something really funny!

6. Is there anyone else in your field that you particularly admire?
Too many! so many good artists out there. The obvious guys like Shepard Fairey and Banksy but the guys that blow me away are Jason Adams, Logan Hicks, French artist Christian Guemy aka c215…

7. What other types of art are you into?
Photography, my sister, Bernadette, is a really good photographer.

8. You got any crazy hobbies or unique talents?
For more than 20+ years I still love skateboarding and I’ve played drums for like 20+ years too. I’m also into old cars and motorcycles.

9. What’s your favorite vice?
I like drinking lots of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, I smoke too many cigarettes and of course BEER.

10. You eat food? What kind? Like to cook?
Food, yes I eat too much of it. Faves are tacos, seafood, anything BBQ. And my girlfirend says I make a killer baked salmon!

11. Truth or Dare? Elaborate.
Truth: I have a hat fetish.

12. What is your most prized possession?
Family and friends - I would be no where without them.

13. How do you make it over the creative hump?
A good sesh on a mini ramp with the bros.

(Allan Cruz is a stencil artist/skateboarder and music lover living and working in the bowels of New Jersey. He blogs at Angry Tiki God and has works available for purchase at his Etsy shop. Commission work available upon request)

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